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Episode 47: Proof Of God And His Faithfulness

Writer's picture: Pastor b.SidePastor b.Side
Psalm 22:3-5 - But You [are] holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted in You; they trusted, and You delivered them. They cried to You, and were delivered; they trusted in You, and were not ashamed.

The Bible teaches that God is faithful with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind! God is trustworthy. He has perfect integrity. The Bible says that heaven and earth will pass away but God’s Word will NEVER pass away, because God is eternally self-existing, self-sustaining, and transcendently exalted above all things under His control, to do EXACTLY what He said! Jesus swore that He would fulfill EVERY facet of His Law, and then He did. If we’re paying attention to the scriptures, we see that Jesus is all the proof we need, to know the extent of God’s faithfulness. Jesus is all the proof we need to recognize the lengths of God’s trustworthiness to deal with issues beyond our capacity, for our benefit. But, Jesus is not the ONLY proof that God has offered. Even though Jesus is enough proof, the Bible is filled with even more evidence that proves God’s integrity. Of course, Jesus is also the cause of all of the other proofs that are offered in the Bible, because Jesus IS God; but the point is, we don’t have to jump forward to the New Testament scriptures to see the physical manifestation of God’s faithfulness.

Holding magnifying glass up to sky


The testimony of Psalm 22:3-5 is a great place to find some of that other proof of God’s trustworthiness. To get the full scope of these verses, it’s important to remember the context. Starting at Verse 1 of Psalm 22, the Bible says:


“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? [Why are You so] far from helping Me, [and from] the words of My groaning? O My God, I cry in the daytime, but You do not hear; and in the night season, and am not silent.”


David clearly expressed that he was in a bad situation. The Bible doesn’t give us the details of David’s circumstances at that time. Still, if you’ve read the Bible and the testimony of David, you know that David’s issues were unique and exceptional. In this case, we can see that the trial itself was hard, but what made it harder was that David, for a moment, felt abandoned by God. It’s one thing to go through difficulties. It’s another thing to feel the darkness of being separated from the mercy and grace of God. Think about the suffering of Job, who suffered CRAZY physical pain, and INTENSE loss; but still admitted that his greatest area of pain was the feeling of isolation from God.


The beginning of Psalm 22 shows that David had been crying out to God day and night. Unfortunately, David felt as if God was not responsive to him. David felt separated from God. David felt distant and isolated from God. Even though God never leaves or forsakes His people, David felt overwhelmed by his circumstances, so that fellowship with God was hard to recognize and appreciate. David probably wanted wisdom and felt like he wasn’t getting it. David probably wanted deliverance, but God was purposefully restricting it for some reason. David probably prayed for relief and encouragement, but that seemed elusive. David was experiencing an INTENSE “low” in his life. The good news is that he quickly found the way to encouragement.


Even though David suffered, think about his attitude, especially towards God. Again, Verses 3-5 say:

“But You [are] holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted in You; they trusted, and You delivered them. They cried to You, and were delivered; they trusted in You, and were not ashamed.”


So, even though David felt isolated and neglected by God, he remembered the truth. God is holy. David confessed that his feelings were one thing, but the truth was another thing. Here, it seems like David was talking himself out of a mild depression – remembering the truth about who God is, even though his flesh wanted to dwell on his emotional issues caused by his circumstances. The Bible shows that it’s natural to “feel” certain ways life gets hard. But, our attitudes and actions should NOT be governed by those feelings. In other words, it doesn’t matter how we “feel” about things if those feelings contradict the clear truths of scripture! David felt neglected, but God is holy. Even though David felt abandoned, God is holy. David cried out to God and felt ignored. Still, God is holy.

Beautiful sunrise over ocean waters

What does God’s holiness have to do with any of this? What is the holiness of God, that David was encouraged by it? The Hebrew word for “holy” is “qadosh.” It’s a word that identifies God’s perfection and separateness. Holiness describes something sacred, and by extension, is separate from things considered common. When this word describes God, it refers to the fact that God is supremely sacred. He’s separate from all of His creation, because He is supremely exalted above all things, as the Creator of everything in heaven and earth. God’s holiness refers to the fact that, God is beyond, and above the range of normal human experience. He is surpassing in every way imaginable, even far above angels in heaven. He’s superior. He is supreme. He is preeminent. He is unrivaled. He is unequaled. He is supernaturally heavenly, and then some! Again, as a result, He is separate from EVERYTHING else, especially things like sin, weakness, darkness, and death.


This truth was important for David to remember because this truth explains that David’s problems couldn’t affect God’s nature. David’s issues didn’t change God’s character. David feeling alone, didn’t change the truth of God’s holiness. David couldn't be alone because of God’s holiness. The holiness of God proves that God is uniquely qualified to help us in our times of need; and that the ways He helps, are often FAR beyond our ability to recognize and understand. God is working even when it seems that He’s not; it’s just that His holiness makes His work too big to see or understand. He works with too many variables. He’s in charge of too many factors. He governs too many facets of life, including time itself. Then, He’s separate from everything bad, like sin, darkness, decay, chaos, injustice, threats, death, and all that kind of stuff. These are the very things that usually make like crazy.


So, think about it: God is intimately engaged in our lives, and never separates Himself from us, BUT is also distinctly separate from all of the corrupt factors of life at the same time. Can you understand that? I can’t…


Who can process this sort of information like God does? Even if He told us everything He’s doing, would we understand? Jesus told His disciples exactly what was going to happen to Him. They didn’t understand. Whether we realize it or not, God hears and responds to our cries; it’s just that His responses are often FAR beyond our ability to recognize and understand what He's doing.


How do we know this is true? David explained. David wrote that the holiness of God is enthroned in the praises of Israel. What in the world does that mean? It means that the proof of God’s holiness can be seen when Israel praises the LORD. We can actually look at the history of Israel, see the times when they praised God, and see the holiness OF God as the CAUSE of that praise. This principle teaches us that the evidence of God’s holiness can be seen in the works that God has done throughout the history of His people. So, while we might go through times of darkness and depression as David did, we can do what David did to find hope and encouragement, in anticipation of His deliverance. We can look at the works that God did in the past, to rest assured of His ability and willingness to work in the future. Remember, since God is holy, He is separated from the factors that would cause Him to change. He’s still able and willing to do the things He did before, depending on His eternal purposes.

Car driving on empty road towards a rainbow in the mountains

 David specifically referred to the fathers of Israel and the generations that lived before him. David recognized that they went through tough and uncertain times too, but God was faithful to deliver them EVERY time. David ended up being the king of Israel BECAUSE OF the faithfulness of God, in Israel’s past. If not for God’s promise and faithfulness to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, there would not have been a nation for David to be the king of.


Think about the suffering of Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers, imprisoned by his master, and neglected while unjustly incarcerated for many years. Still, God was faithful to the extent that Joseph referred to God as his “Shepherd,” and “the Stone of Israel.” God delivered Joseph from his suffering, exalted him into the second highest position of authority in Egypt, and used the evil set against him, to produce good things for millions of people, to keep them alive! If not for God’s work in the life of Joseph, David would not have had a nation to lead.


Soon after, the children of Israel were set into bondage for 400 years in Egypt, but God delivered the people from that suffering, using Moses. Israel wandered in confusion through the wilderness journey, but God took them into the Promised Land anyway. Israel was outnumbered in the Promised Land by the native inhabitants, but victorious against them anyway, because of God’s supernatural interventions, and faithfulness to do what He promised. Since He is holy, God wasn’t affected by Israel’s circumstances, weaknesses, or mistakes.


The testimony of Israel’s history shows that God is willing to reveal Himself in ways, where His Hebrew names identify the glory of His attributes. God’s work in Israel shows Him as El Shaddai, El Elyon, El Olam, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Mekoddishkem, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Sabaoth, Qanna, Melchizedek, ha Malach Yahweh, the Burning Bush, the Pillar of cloud, the Pillar of fire, the Rock of Israel, the Stone of Israel, and WAY more! God sent plagues, controlled bodies of water, opened up the earth, rained bread from heaven, and affected the hearts of kings and leaders, to ensure the fulfillment of His purposes and promises for Israel.


Who but God can do these kinds of things?

Young man with confused expression with hand on head


Who can contest with God and win? If God hadn’t done these things before the days of David, then David would not have been king, and there is no nation of Israel dwelling in the region called “the Promised Land.” Again, we see that God was exalted above all of the people and their issues at all times. He successfully led His people through their troubles into His blessings. He was always close enough to see, hear, know, and understand when they needed help, while NEVER being affected by their weaknesses or mistakes. THAT’s the holiness of God.


David remembered that Abraham trusted in God, and God fulfilled His promise for a son and heir, regardless of the circumstances. David remembered that Moses trusted in God and then crossed the Red Sea on dry land to escape the pursuing armies of Egypt. David remembered that Joshua trusted in God, and was used to bring down and conquer Jericho. David remembered that Hagar cried out to the LORD, and was visited by Lahai Roi – the God Who Sees. David remembered that Israel cried out from Egypt, and was delivered by the mighty hand of God. David remembered that Gideon cried out, and was comforted and equipped by Jehovah Shalom. David maybe even remembered that Hannah cried out and was delivered from the shame of her barrenness, giving birth to Samuel, the man God used to anoint David as the king of Israel.


These testimonies only scratch the surface. The Bible is FILLED with historically validated testimonies of the holy God, intervening for His people to move them along in His plans to fulfill His eternally unconditional promises. This is proof! This is evidence that God is indeed holy, and whether or not God’s people felt good in the time of their need, history proves that God responds. None of the people mentioned here were ashamed in the end. Hindsight shows that none of them were foolish for their faith in the LORD, and their cries out to Him. God validated His servants, their faith, and humble dependency, showing He is worthy of all trust and faith. Who else can compare to God like this?


So, this teaches us that, our hope should be placed in the LORD no matter how things seem to us, at any given time. When it feels like God is distant or indifferent, we need to remember that there is too much history in the Bible that speaks contrary to that feeling, showing that God is still the Holy One, and will never leave or forsake us in our time of need. With all of the drama and persecution that Israel has faced throughout their ancient existence, aren’t they STILL a nation, within the borders that God promised, moving closer to the fulfillment of God’s covenant with Abraham? Sure, they’ve suffered in CRAZY ways throughout history, but the fact that God’s people are still there, just like His Word says they would be, proves God’s integrity to fulfill His promises.


And, THAT’S what the Bible teaches about the One, WE know, as God.

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